World Handicapping System Coming in 2020

World Handicapping System Coming in 2020

Did you know that the USGA & R&A are currently working to develop a World Handicapping System which will create the ultimate portability allowing any golfer to play anywhere in the world using their established handicap. 

While the USGA & R&A have established one set of rules and one set of equipment standards for the game of golf there are currently 6 separate handicap systems used around the globe today.

The governing bodies of golf intend to combine those 6 standard handicap metrics into one system that will:

  • Enable golfers of different abilities to play & compete on a fair and equitable basis, in any format, on any course, anywhere in the world;
  • Be easy to understand and implement, without sacrificing accuracy, and;
  • Meet the varied needs and expectations of golfers, golf clubs and golf authorities all around the world and be adaptable to suit all golfing cultures.

Below is the current timeline for the collection of data, engagement and collaboration with an expected roll-out in January 2020.

To see an interactive graphic of the highlights of the world handicap system click HERE to go to the USGA infographic.

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